July 7, 2013

Every day is a blessing day

My title post explains it. I am indeed a blessed person, blessed by a great God. Since the day I became a Grade 8 student, everything went out unexpectedly. To share, I was elected as the president of our class. But that was so special for me because it was my very first time to become a president. Awesome, isn't it?! Just the thought that almost all my classmates voted for me was already a great blessing, to think some of them didn't even know me or if ever they just knew me by my name. I just realized you appreciate more a blessing when you didn't even plan nor expect for it to come. Nonetheless, we should always appreciate what God gives us.

Though of course, there were days that seemed to be the hardest ones, I am still forever thankful to have been blessed by God. As the saying goes, "You learn more when you experience the hardest days." Indeed, I learned what I think God wants me to learn. And I'm praying He will help me to apply them in my life. 

Just when July came, God gave me another opportunity again, another blessing, another dream that I had been wishing and praying for a long time. How I wish I could post about it right now but I will when the right time comes. Hehehe (feeling artista :p) I am also very thankful that one of my hobbies (blogging) helped me a lot. I am now a Feature writer of our school paper organ! Yay! I guess there's nothing wrong to tell about it because I am just proud of myself and very happy! I know you guys understand :D

EVERY DAY IS A BLESSING DAY--Even when you feel like you don't even receive a gift from God, we should always remember that we are very blessed. Now, you're reading this, isn't it a great blessing? No matter how big or small gift comes to us, we shall always be thankful enough. 

"God gives you 86,400 seconds a day. Have you uttered "Thank You" to him?" 

There's nothing wrong to talk about real talk sometimes. It has always been great to share wisdom to others. 

P.S.: I can hardly wait for our Student's Night to come! That will be happening on Friday so I'm pretty much excited :) Will blog about it this weekend!!! :) :) :) 
(Life is a paradise)

Miss Little Tall Girl Named,

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